
Eri ikäisiä ihmishahmoja

Principal and leading investigators

Kasvokuva Taina Leinonen
Taina Leinonen, Principal investigator, Senior Researcher, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
I am a social scientist focused on demographic research and I have conducted register-based research on work disability and labour market participation. I am the principal investigator in LIFECON project and I also participate in work package 2, where I study the structural changes in the labour market and the length of working careers.
taina.leinonen [at], @taina_leinonen, website
kasvokuva kulha
Kristiina Kulha, Interaction coordinator,
Senior Specialist, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
I am an expert on communications with a long career as a chief of communications in the Finnish institute of occupational health. At the moment I work as a senior specialist at the unit of Work environment unit. In the LIFECON project I work as interaction coordinator.
kristiina.kuha [at]
Antti Kauhasen kuva
Antti Kauhanen, Research Director, Etla economic research, leader of work package 1
I am specialised in labour economics and in my latest research I have focused on the effect of adult education on labour market. In the LIFECON project, I study the impact of adult education on the length of work careers and health. 
antti.kauhanen [at], @Antti_Kauhanen, website
Svetlana Solovievan kuva
Svetlana Solovieva, Senior Researcher, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Deputy Principal Investigator, Leader of work package 2
My background is in mathematics and epidemiology, and I have done register-based research on work disability and work participation. In the LIFECON project I work as a deputy principal investigator and the leader of work package 2, where I study the length of work careers. 
svetlana.solovieva [at]
Tarmo Valkonen
Pekka Martikainen, Professor, University of Helsinki, Leader of work package 3
I am a demographer and register data researcher by background. The main focus of my research relates to social health determinants and currently, I am leading a ERC Advanced Grant project on this topic. In the LIFECON project, I lead work package 3. I also do research in work packages 2 and 3 on work career length, use of care among the elderly and long-term trends in health gap.
pekka.martikainen [at]
Pekka Martikainen
Tarmo Valkonen, Research Advisor, Etla Economic Research, Leader of work package 4
I am an economist and have conducted research on the interaction between demographic change, economy and public policy. In the LIFECON project, I lead work package 4, where the main research topic is a sustainable and equal welfare state. I also participate in work package 2 as a researcher on pension policies. 
tarmo.valkonen [at]


kasvokuva Koskinen Aki
Aki Koskinen, Senior Specialist, Statistician, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
Antero Olakivi.
Antero Olakivi, Senior Researcher, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Researcher in work packages 1 and 2
I am a sociologist by background, and my research has focused on inequality in the workplace, particularly from the perspectives of gender, age, and international migration.
antero.olakivi [at] (antero[dot]olakivi[at]ttl[dot]fi)
Kasvokuva Vaananen
Ari Väänänen, Research Professor, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Reseracher in work packages 1 and 2 
I am a social scientist and a psychologist who studies mental health at work and in culture, and societal changes that reflect on occupational health. In the LIFECON project, I study how the increased mental health problems in work life impact fertility and family formation. Additionally, in our research group, we study migration among highly educated Finns. 
ari.vaananen [at], @AriVnnen1 
Kasvokuva Eija Kauppi
Eija KauppiPlanner, Etla Economic Research, Research in work package 4
In the LIFECON project I participate in developing and maintaining of the FOG-model. 
eija.kauppi [at], website
Kasvokuva Hartikainen Elli
Elli Hartikainen, Researcher, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Researcher in work package 2 
I am a health economist by background. Currently I work on my PhD thesis using register-based data on partial sickness absence, it's determinants and it's impact on the length of work career. In LIFECON project I study part-time employment and pensions.
elli.hartikainen [at], @ElliHartikainen 
Hanna Virtasen kuva
Hanna Virtanen, Chief Research Scientist, Etla Economic Research, Researcher in work packages 1 and 2
I am an economist and in my reserach, I use register-based data and economic statistical statistics. In the LIFECON project, I study the effect of adult education on the length of work careers and health outcomes. I also study the effect of educational choices conducted at the secondary level on fertility and family formation.
hanna.virtanen [at], @hanna_virtanen_ , website
Jaakko Airaksinen
Jaakko Airaksinen, Senior Specialist, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Statistics Specialist in work package 3
I am a psychologist by background. My previous research has covered topics on psychology, occupational health, and criminology.
Joonas Pitkäsen kuva
Joonas Pitkänen, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki, Researcher in work packages 1 and 2
My background is in sociology and demography, and I have conducted register-based research on Finnish youth. I have studied the effect of family background on self-harm and exclusion from education and labour market in adolescence. Additionally, I have studied the socioeconomic differences in the use of health care services among youth who have done self-harm and among their parents. In the LIFECON project, I study the effect of youth mental health problems on later educational and occupational careers as well as the changes between family structure and health over time. 
joonas.pitkanen [at]
Juha Alho
Juha Alho, Emeritus Professor, Researcher in work package 4
In LIFECON project I study the demographic structure and its forecast as an demographer in the work package 4.
juha.alho [at]
Ei valokuvaa
Juha Luukkonen, Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki, Reseracher in work package 2 
I am interested in social epidemiology, the health effects of alcohol policies and changing labour markets. 
juha.x.luukkonen [at]
Jukka Lassilan kuva
Jukka Lassila, Researcher, Etla Economic Research, Researcher in work package 4
I am economist focused on aging population, pension policies and sustainability of public finances. In the LIFECON project I use simulation model based on Finnish economy to study policy regulations related to public dept, taxes and pension system, and their effect among different generations, on public finance and economy. 
jukka.lassila [at]
Kaarina Korhonen.
Kaarina Korhonen, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki, Researcher in work package 3
My background is in sociology and demography. I have mainly conducted research using register-based data. The topics I have covered consist of socioeconomic inequality in health and mortality among aging population. In the LIFECON project I study the use of 24/7 care among aging population and the social and health determinants related to it.
kaarina.korhonen [at]
Krista Riukulan kuva
Krista Riukula, Researcher, Etla Economic Researcher, Researcher in work package 1
My background is in work and family economics. In the LIFECON project I study how parents job loss impacts their and their children's fertility-related decision making, using register-based data and economic statistical statistics. 
krista.riukula [at], @kristariukula, website
Lasse Tarkiaisen kuva
Lasse Tarkiainen, University Researcher, University of Helsinki, Researcher in work package 3
I am a sociologist focused on demography and I have studied socioeconomic and regional differences in health and mortality. In the LIFECON project I study the long-term changes in health inequality. 
lasse.tarkiainen [at]
Laura Salonen
Laura Salonen, Senior Researcher, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Researcher in work package 2
I am a sociologist and my research topics have covered health and work -related sociodemographic differences. In the LIFECON project, I study the effect of work disability on labour market participation and the effectiveness of active labour market policies. 
laura.salonen [at], @lausau
Liina Junnan kuva
Liina Junna, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki, Researcher in work package 2
I am a sociologist by background and I have done register-based studies on the relationship between work, income and health. In the LIFECON project I study the effect of mental health problems on labour market participation among young adults, and the effect of activation policies on working careers. 
liina.junna [at], kotisivut
Margherita Moretti.
Margherita Moretti, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki, Researcher in work package 3
My background is in demography and statistics. In my research I use survey and register data to study population health (particularly the dimension of disability), mortality, intergenerational relations, and their inequalities, in population ageing contexts.
margherita.moretti [at] (margherita[dot]moretti[at]helsinki[dot]fi)
Maria Guzman_Castillo
Maria Guzman Castillo, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki until 2023, Researcher in work package 3
My background is in engineering and later public health modeling. In my research, I have mainly focused on population models to forecast the future number of chronic diseases and evaluate the potential impact of policy interventions at the population level on the future burden of such diseases. In the LIFECON project, I estimate the future burden of dementia and the need for long-term care in by socioeconomic status. 
maria.guzmancastillo [at]  
Kasvokuva Minna Toivanen
Minna Toivanen, Senior Specialist, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Researcher in work package 2
I am an education scientist by background and currently a researcher on anorganisation and work life. Lately, my research has focused on time management, serendipity, multicultural workplaces, and immigrants in work life. In the LIFECON project, I study the labour market participation of highly educated Finns who migrate from and back to Finland. 
minna.toivanen [at]
Kasvokuva Pekka Varje
Pekka Varje, Chief Research Scientist, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Researcher in work package 2
I am a historian by background and have done research on the long-term trends in work life, mental health, morbidity among the working-age population, and labour market changes. In the LIFECON project, I study highly educated Finns who move out of and back in Finland.
pekka.varje [at], @PekkaVarje, website
Päivi Puontin kuva
Päivi Puonti, Researcher, Etla economic research, Researcher in work package 4
I am an economist and have used the methods of time series econometrics to study monetary and fiscal policies. In the LIFECON project, I study the effect of an ageing population on the effectiveness of reflation.
paivi.puonti [at], @PaiviPuonti, website
Shubhankar Sharma.
Shubhankar Sharma, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki, Researcher in work package 3
My background is in population health (demography and epidemiology). My research so far has mainly focused on understanding the burden of morbid health conditions in adult populations, its sociodemographic disparities, and examining the determinants of morbidity along with potential mechanisms using panel and register-based data. In the LIFECON project, I examine the trend in the burden of Cardiovascular disease and its sociodemographic disparities in the elderly population during the last three decades.
shubhankar.sharma [at] (shubhankar[dot]sharma[at]helsinki[dot]fi)
Tero Kuusen kuva

Tero Kuusi, Etla economic research

tero.kuusi [at], website

Ulla Suulamon kuva
Ulla Suulamo, Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki, Researcher in work package 3 
My background is in demography and social demography. Currently, I am a PhD student at the University of Helsinki and I use register-based data to study inequality in mortality and its long-term trends. In the LIFECON project, I study the excess mortality in winter and the social and health determinants related to it.
ulla.suulamo [at], website