Accessibility statement

This accessibility statement applies to the and has been updated on June 15, 2023. The service is subject to the law on the provision of digital services, which requires that public online services must be accessible. The accessibility of the service has been assessed by an external expert organisation.

Accessibility of the digital service

The online service largely meets the requirements of the law and there are no critical accessibility shortcomings in the service.

Non-accessible content

This service is partially compliant with the accessibility requirements. We are constantly working to improve accessibility.

  • Element IDs are not unique. Two or more page elements have the same id value.

Accessibility requirements do not apply to certain contents

  • Content published by users or other third parties that is not produced, funded or controlled by the service provider itself.
  • Office software files (e.g. doc, pdf, ppt, xls) published before 23 September 2018.
  • Content archived before 23 September 2019.
  • Live video or audio streams not recorded for storage or reissue.
  • Video or audio recordings published before 23 September 2020.

Have you noticed any accessibility concerns?

Give accessibility feedback with this form or email saavutettavuuspalaute(at)

Supervisory authority

If you notice accessibility problems on our website, please first send your feedback to us. We aim to respond within 14 days. If you are not satisfied with the response or you do not receive a response from us within two weeks, you may file a complaint with the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. The website of Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland has detailed instructions on how to file a complaint and how the issue will be handled.

Contact information of supervisory authority

Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland

Accessibility Supervision Unit (in Finnish and Swedish only)


tel. (switchboard) +358 295 016 000