Strategy, values and responsibility
For this reason, at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, we promote well-being at work, which refers to the capacity and ability of work communities and individuals to operate in various situations as work life changes. This means we can contribute to improving work life quality and productivity, as well as increasing work participation.
Our strategy

The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health’s visual strategy provides an overview of how and with what prospects we are striving to make Finnish work life the best in the world.
We have identified global megatrends that create the conditions for our daily life and work. These phenomena include global challenges, digitalisation, climate crisis and responsibility. Responsibility also involves being actively engaged in society and workplaces, which we pursue at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.
At the societal level factors that threaten well-being and create obstacles to work life include the demographic imbalance, poor availability of workforce, polarisation and the sustainability gap. As we tackle these issues, we need to look after the enablers of well-being, which in turn lubricate the machinery and keep the wheels of work life turning. These include occupational health care, preparedness, competitive capacity and sustainable development in work life, by which we mean e.g. sustainable careers, a humane work life and the green transition.
At the heart of this big picture we are involved in research, services and influencing. Every day we work to ensure that Finnish society and its working-age citizens can find well-being in work.
Our values
For us at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, responsibility is the cornerstone of our activities. Responsible thinking is part of our everyday research, expert and service work. Our important role in society is to promote occupational health, which refers to the capacity and ability of work communities and individuals to operate in various situations as work life changes.
We take the principles of sustainable development into consideration in our internal activities as well. We have considered it to be important to take care of our personnel as well as possible in the middle of a major work life change process. At the same time, we develop quality management and environmentally friendly activities continuously.
In our activities, we invest in transparent and good administrative methods, setting a social example in managing and developing the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health team and the green transition in all our activities.