Policy briefs

The research projects and expert work of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health provide important information about Finnish work life. Our policy briefs help to disseminate this information to political decision-makers.
The policy briefs are part of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health’s influencing activities with the purpose of building a better work life. We aim to ensure that the quality of Finnish work life improves, the productivity of work increases and work participation continues to increase as work life changes.
In addition, we bring researched information about work ability, occupational health, occupational safety and well-being at work to the public discussion.
Policy briefs published elsewhere
The researchers of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health have also prepared policy briefs related to work life with various partners. Some of them are published only in Finnish.
POLICY BRIEF - European Human Biomonitoring Initiative - Chromium VI (hbm4eu.eu) - 2022
POLICY BRIEF - European Human Biomonitoring Initiative - Anilines e Diisocyanates (HBM4EU.eu) - 2022
Työkyvyn tuki edistää mielenterveyttä ja työhön osallistumista | Tieto käyttöön (tietokayttoon.fi) - 2020
Kestävä ja turvallinen kiertotalous | Tieto käyttöön (tietokayttoon.fi) - 2019