
The Finnish Indoor Air and Health Programme

The Finnish Indoor Air and Health Programme aims to improve health and well-being by reducing indoor environment issues in Finland.


10/2018 - 12/2028


The Finnish Indoor Air and Health Programme reduces adverse effects on health and well-being related to indoor environments in Finland. The programme will be carried out in extensive co-operation with various research institutes, universities and other stakeholders. The programme is co-ordinated by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and actively contributed to by FIOH, Filha ry, the Organisation for Respiratory Health in Finland, the Finnish Allergy, Skin and Asthma Federation and the Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate. The programme will implement the measures to promote health and well-being set by the Government’s Healthy Premises 2028 programme.

The aim of the project is to increase the population's understanding of the effects of indoor environments on health and well-being, improve the management of problems related to indoor environments, improve the work ability and functional capacity of symptomatic persons, reduce adverse effects on health and well-being related to indoor environments and strengthen the knowledge and skills of different operators through education and training.

During the project, experts of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health will gather and develop information and tools, especially for the support and use of workplaces and health care professionals. In addition, treatment and rehabilitation methods for those with symptoms related to indoor air quality and training methods for health care professionals will be developed. All people experiencing symptoms related to indoor environments benefit from the programme.

Additional information

Finnish Institute of Occupational Health

Kristiina Kulha, Project Manager, Senior Communications Specialist, tel. 040 548 6914

Sanna Lappalainen, Director of the Healthy Workspaces Unit at FIOH, tel. 030 474 2961

etunimi.sukunimi [at]

Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)

Anniina Salmela, Director of the Programme, Senior Researcher, THL, tel. 029 524 7712, anniina.salmela [at]

etunimi.sukunimi [at] (etunimi[dot]sukunimi[at]helsinki[dot]fi)


Our experts

Kristiina Kulha

Kristiina Kulha

kristiina.kulha [at]
+358 30 474 2551
Sanna Lappalainen

Sanna Lappalainen

Sanna.Lappalainen [at]
+358 30 474 2961