
Joint Action on Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes (JACARDI)

The aim of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health’s JACARDI project is to study and develop best practices for promoting work ability, recovery and health in social welfare and health care organizations’ workplaces. The project supports the work ability literacy of both supervisors and employees.



A joint project of 21 countries

JACARDI is a project that includes 21 European countries and it aims to control the effects of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes on society, service systems, workplaces and individuals. The project will develop the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes and promote participation in work life even in the presence of these diseases by implementing either proven operational models or models that have been deemed effective according to national needs.

The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health’s theme in the project is participation in work life and the target group is employees in the social welfare and health care sector. 

JACARDI in LinkedIn:


The objective of the joint JACARDI project is to reduce the negative effects of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes on individuals and society in EU member states.

The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health supports the objective by focusing on the themes of work life participation and promoting and maintaining work ability. The aim is to increase especially awareness and competence of work ability support in health and social service (HSS) workplaces

  1. To study how Finnish workplaces can support the work ability and equal opportunity to remain in work life of employees with type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular diseases by carrying out a context analysis.
  2. To review researched evidence of the factors that need to be affected at work  to maintain the work ability of social welfare and health care sector employees with cardiovascular diseases or type 2 diabetes.
  3. To compile best practices for promoting the work ability literacy, work ability management, work ability, recovery and health promotion of supervisors and employees.
  4. To interview supervisors in order to study the factors that support or prevent the work of supervisors to promote the work ability of the unit, the knowledge and skills of supervisors, the need for training and how supervisors maintain and promote their own work ability and recovery from work.
  5. To study the effects of training intervention on the supervisors’ motivation to support the work ability of employees, and on the work unit's and supervisor’s work recovery and work ability. To study the effects of actions targeted at the work unit, employees, work environment and the work structures and processes on work ability, recovery from work and health.

Data and methods

Background research

  • Context analysis
  • Best practices
  • Literature review

Snapshot of social and health care organisations involved in the project

  • Supervisor interviews
  • Situation review

Interventions in HSS organizations involved in the project

  • Supervisor training intervention to promote well being at work and work ability literacy
  • Employee training intervention to promote work recovery in work units and among their employees
  • Initial, intermediate and final surveys

Results and impact

The JACARDI project will implement and investigate impactful methods for promoting work ability at work for the organizations involved. The best practices used and implemented during the project will also be compiled as generally available guides and materials to promote the work ability, recovery and healthy lifestyles of supervisors and work communities, especially in HSS.

The project will also provide new research data on work ability and recovery from work. In addition to scientific research, these data and research results will also be used in social advocacy.

Work ability literacy is a combination of information, understanding, motivation and practical choices. It means that you can identify the demands of your profession and work tasks, and that you are aware of the effects of stress and risk factors of your job on your health and work ability. You also know how to take these aspects into account in your behaviour and how to act in a way that strengthens your health and work ability both at work and in your free time.

Contact us

Nina Nevanperä

Nina.Nevanpera [at]
+358 30 474 6015
Jaana Laitinen

Jaana Laitinen

jaana.laitinen [at]
+358 30 474 6006


The joint JACARDI project is co-ordinated by Istituto Superiore di Sanita (ISS) (Italy).

'Participation in work life'  work package of the project is led by Poznan University of Medical Sciences (PUMS) (Poland).

Partners in Finland:


The EU4Health programme (European Commission) and Finnish Institute of Occupational Health