
Workload Management in Safety-critical Work During an External Crisis

The exceptional circumstances of the past few years have served to highlight the need for society and workplaces to develop their preparedness for emergency conditions and external crises. This project will produce a list of recommended measures for work stress management during such circumstances. The focus is on rescue workers, paramedics, nurses, nuclear industry preparedness organisations and control station controllers performing safety-critical work.




The main objective is to produce knowledge-based recommended measures for managing work stress in security-critical work during emergency conditions and external crises.

In addition to this, the aim is to include in the list of recommended measures ways in which workplaces can

  • improve working conditions and employees' preparedness for emergencies and external crises; and
  • assess the work stress of their employees during such circumstances. 

Data and methods

The project consists of

  • creating a knowledge base for producing the list of recommended measures
  • co-creating the list of recommended measures and
  • communicating about the list of recommended measures.

The knowledge base of the project consists of existing key research data and interviews with representatives of the participating workplaces.

The recommended measures will be formulated in workshops held at the workplaces participating in the project.

Results and impact

As a result of the project, workplaces in security-critical sectors will be better prepared for emergency conditions and for adapting their operations during such conditions in ways that support personnel performance, recovery and working ability as effectively as possible, thus also contributing to the resilience of the workplace.

The recommended measures will support both the coping of employees and the resilience of work organisations during emergency conditions and external crises. Examples of such conditions and crises include pandemics, social unrest, criminal damage and extreme weather phenomena.

For more information about the project, please contact

Mikael Sallinen

Mikael Sallinen

Mikael.Sallinen [at]
+358 30 474 2735


  • TVO/Olkiluoto nuclear power plant
  • Fortum/Loviisa nuclear power plant
  • Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
  • Helsinki City Rescue Department
  • Rescue Services of Southwest Finland
  • Ministry of the Interior Department for Rescue Services
  • Wellbeing services county of Kanta-Häme


The Finnish Work Environment Fund and  Finnish Institute of Occupational Health

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