Briefly in English. Orienting a new employee to the work

Learning and orienting a new employee to the work is a joint effort where the entire work community has an important role. Follow these steps to include the entire team in the learning process. Remember that you can share the orienting responsibilities among various people in the team, and unofficial sharing of information happens all the time.

Inclusive orientation to work – tips for the work community

These eight tips will help every newcomer to get to know their new colleagues and introduce them as an important asset to the workplace. 

  1. Appreciation is the key when you meet a new workmate. 
  2. Everyone wants to be liked and waited for. 
  3. You can only make a first impression once. 
  4. Getting to know people builds trust and maps the level of expertise. 
  5. Taking the time to orient a new worker to the job pays itself back in the long run. 
  6. Don’t leave the newcomer alone to cope.
  7. The sense of meaningfulness is essential. 
  8. The newcomer needs information and justifications for actions. 

Q&A Set for the supervisor

Download the Q&A set for the supervisor and make sure the entire team understands that they are an important part of the learning process of a newcomer. 


There are two publications available, in Finnish. Abstracts are available in English.

  • Töissä palvelualoilla: Kyselytuloksia työhyvinvoinnista ja osaamisesta 2008, 2021 ja 2022

    Authors: Turunen, J., Remes, J., Pehkonen, I., Lindström, S. (2023)

    The research paper shows that work in private services has changed both for better and for worse. Experiences regarding line management have improved, threatening and violent confrontations with customer are rarer than previously, the versatility of both competence and competence development methods are strong, subjective productivity has remained at a high level, and work engagement is stronger than previously.

    However, the need to work in a hurry, unregular working hours, and demands for flexibility regarding working hours have increased. There are shortcomings in communication at workplaces. Also, the possibilities to influence working times have reduced, and the polarizing short- and long-term effects of the COVID19-pandemic show as widespread uncertainty especially in tourism and restaurant services. Private service sector employees have a strong and varied skill set.

  • Työhyvinvointi ja osaaminen palvelualoilla. Tutkimushankkeen loppuraportti.

    Authors: Lindström, S., Turunen, J., Remes, J. & Pehkonen, I (2023)

    The publication is the final report of the research project where the aim was to review the current state of well-being at work in the Finnish private service sectors. It mapped different dimensions of well-being at work and competence, studied meanings attached to service sector workers in different media, and investigated work disability management in the sector. As an overarching theme, the project considers the numerous national and global changes and their impacts on service sector work.