TYÖOTE operating model

The TYÖOTE operating model strengthens co-operation between occupational health care and public health care. It improves the process of supporting the working ability of the patient and transfers the responsibility of evaluating patients’ ability to work from specialist and primary health care towards occupational health care. This learning material will introduce you to the background and practices of the TYÖOTE model, and to the collaboration between different health care institutions to enhance the working ability of the working-age population.

In Finland, there are many institutions in charge of the health care of the working-age population, and their collaboration does not always necessarily work optimally to the benefit of working-age patients. By improving the co-operation between specialist health care, primary health care and occupational health care, it is possible to improve the processes of treatment, rehabilitation and returning to work.

In the TYÖOTE operating model, the co-ordination responsibility of the patient treated in specialist or primary health care is taken by occupational health care, at which point is in charge of further actions needed to ensure that the patient can return to work at a proper time with their ability to work restored. This ensures that the working ability expertise of occupational health care institutions can be utilized by public health care more systematically and swiftly than the current practice allows.

The TYÖOTE model affects the patients of occupational health care. By developing their service and rehabilitation systems further, public health care can free up more resources towards those who lack occupational health care.

The objective of this learning material

This learning material will familiarize you with the background and practical uses of the TYÖOTE operating model and teach you how hospitals, health and social services centres and occupational health services can achieve a state of successful collaboration. The material will describe the functions of different institutions and provide tips on different supporting actions related to working ability.

Who is the learning material geared towards?

TYÖOTE learning material can be utilized by health care professionals in hospitals, occupational health care and health and social services centres.

Our experts responsible for the assembly of this learning material

Hanna Hakulinen

Hanna Hakulinen

+358 30 474 7257
Henkilökuva Pauliina Kangas

Pauliina Kangas

+358 30 474 2514

Marika Lassfolk

+358 30 474 3187
Henkilökuvassa Tuulia Varanka-Ruuska

Tuulia Varanka-Ruuska

+358 30 474 6090


Occupational health