
Engagement and social connections in multi-location work

This project will produce new information on how multi-location work, i.e. in-office, hybrid and remote work, affects employees’ well-being at work, social resources and work activities. The project will also present practical means for promoting these factors. The pandemic has significantly increased the amount of remote work, and research-based information is needed in workplaces to build good practices. This project will collect longitudinal survey data.
Henkilö on videopuhelussa toisen kanssa kannettavalta tietokoneelta.




This project aims to examine the effects of multi-location work by looking into how it relates to communality, well-being and activities at work. We will clarify when and under which conditions different modes of work are best suited. We will also investigate the factors that may affect employees' wishes regarding the location of their work: at the office or remotely.

Data and methods

The survey data will be collected through interviews using two methods:

  1. A survey conducted three times at approximately six-month intervals will make it possible to examine the changes and effects over a longer period of time.
  2. A survey conducted once a week for the duration of approximately two months will help to identify how variation in the amount of remote work per week is linked to well-being and communality at work.

Results and impact

This project will provide information on how work arrangements affect employees' well-being and motivation, sense of community, trust and performance both in their own tasks and as members of a team. In addition, we will provide answers on how to boost the positive effects of work arrangements and how to combat negative effects. Workplaces can utilise the information produced in this project to find work mode-specific solutions in a management, work community and employee-oriented manner.

We will report the findings of the study throughout the duration of the project and, at the end, we will publish a final report that will be freely available for all. In addition to presenting the results of the project, the report will support both employees and employers in decision making between different modes of work. The report will present factors that, on the basis of our research, are central to the spirit of community, well-being and work activities, and will thus be essential in the successful application of different modes of work.


Participant organizations: City of Kuopio and OP Financial Group


Funding for the research project comes mainly from the Finnish Work Environment Fund.

Study group

Janne Kaltiainen

Project Manager, Principal Investigator, Specialist Researcher

Jari Hakanen

Research Professor

Sampo Suutala

Contact person, Researcher

Contact our experts

Henkilökuva Sampo Suutala

Sampo Suutala

sampo.suutala [at]
+358 30 474 3493