
Suitability of demolition materials for different applications in terms of safety and health – PURATER

The PURATER project helps to develop Finland's national circular economy management in order to facilitate the utilization of demolition materials from the point of view of both reuse and recycling. At the same time, basic information is produced to form Finland's positions for amending the EU Construction Products Regulation.
Rakennuksista purettuja ikkunalaseja, lautoja, tiiliä lajiteltuna kierrätystä varten.




The information produced by the project helps to form a common view of the Government's principles for the reuse and recycling of construction materials and products, both for national needs and to influence the process of amending the EU Construction Products Regulation. 

The main aim of the Construction Products Regulation is to improve the conditions for the use of recycled materials in Europe, and Finland is actively promoting this objective. 

The utilization of demolition materials must be carried out safely and healthily, but also profitably in business terms. Important means of strengthening the market include utilizing digitalization and developing the means of co-regulation and self-regulation in the sector. 

The project aims to 

  • define the framework for the material recovery of key construction waste components and building elements in terms of both purpose of use and safety and health 
  • assess the risks and framework related to the reuse and recycling of construction and demolition waste fractions in terms of various uses with regard to the possible damage to materials, the physical properties of construction and other properties of materials 
  • assess the potential impact of the reuse and recycling of construction materials and products on indoor environments of buildings and, as a result, on the health and safety of the users as well as their potential impact on the need to develop legislation and guidelines. 

Data and methods

The role of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health is to assess the presence of various known chemical compounds in the reuse of building materials and thereby in the building and indoor air. Furthermore, the potential health effects of the compounds on the users of the premises will be assessed.

Results and impact

  • The project provides information to serve as the basis for the Government's legislative drafting, including the assessment of regulatory impacts related to the definition of Finland's positions in the further preparation of the EU Construction Products Regulation 
  • Through its implementation and results, the project produces key information for different parties in the construction and demolition sector, which in practice determine the suitability of construction and demolition materials for different purposes. 
  • The project provides up-to-date information on the market potential for reusing demolition waste and on the means by which this market can be supported and grown through various policy instruments. 

Our experts

Tiina Santonen

Tiina Santonen

+358 30 474 2666

Project partners

Ramboll Finland Oy 

Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, project manager Katja Tähtinen

Laurea University of Applied Sciences

Häme University of Applied Sciences HAMK Tech


Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities (VNTEAS)