Epoxy folder – Chemical safety in construction coating work

Construction coating work includes a great deal of work with chemicals. Uncured coatings, like any other chemicals, may affect a person’s health, which is why they should be treated with respect; they should be handled carefully and with sufficient personal protection.

The materials in this safety folder focus on the prevention of chemical risks in coating work. One of the key chemical hazards comes from epoxy products which have long been a significant cause for allergic contact eczema. Some other coating chemicals are also addressed briefly in this folder.

The folder contains condensed instructions for risk assessment, protection, the orientation of new employees, etc. It is intended to be read by employees, supervisors as well as occupational health services. The materials can be freely downloaded, copied and, for instance, laminated for the workplace wall. It can also be used in training events.

Our experts

Erja Mäkelä

Erja Mäkelä

+358 30 474 2595
Henkilökuva Katri Suuronen

Katri Suuronen

+358 30 474 2576