Diversity and inclusion: what and why

The diversity and inclusivity of an organization can introduce numerous benefits, such as creativity, well-being at work, financial profitability and a good reputation.

In addition to this aspect of usefulness, diversity also has a moral aspect. In an equal society, different population groups are represented in different organizations and work tasks.


Diversity of personnel refers to diversity among employees in relation to factors such as age, gender, ethnic or national background, nationality, language, religion, belief, sexual orientation, family situation, disability, health, work ability, neurodiversity, educational background, values and personality.


Inclusion refers to an equitable, non-discriminatory, inclusive and participatory approach. There is a strong link between diversity and inclusion.

Diversity is being invited to the party.

Inclusion is being asked to dance.

Vernā Myers

It has been demonstrated that diversity and inclusion have many benefits:

  • Creativity and innovation

    Highlighting different views and possible solutions, which in turn is linked to creativity and innovation
  • Improved client satisfaction and finding new clients

    Better understanding of the needs of various client groups and increased consideration of the client base with services, products and communications 
  • Financial profitability
  • A positive employer image and reputation

    Positive impact on the organization's reputation and attractiveness as a workplace
  • Occupational safety

    Taking the diversity of employees into account
  • Motivation and well-being at work

An inclusive organizational culture is necessary in order to reap the benefits of diversity among the personnel.

Features of an inclusive work community

  • All members of the work community feel that they are welcome and are valued as members of the community.

  • Everyone feels that the workplace is psychologically safe. Everyone can be themselves if they so desire, and no one has to waste their energy hiding their background, such as belonging to a minority.

  • Regardless of their personal background, everyone can feel that they have equal opportunities to make a difference, progress in their career, have their voice heard and have equal access to the resources provided by the organization, such as support and training.