How is job accommodation done?

The need for accommodation is specific to each individual, but practices for implementing the accommodations should always be same for all employees. The objective in every situation is to adapt the work tasks for the employee and enable them to continue working despite health-related or other constraints.

The continuum of job accommodation

Job accommodation can be thought of as a continuum. On one end of the continuum there is the development of procedures that support carrying out work at the entire workplace, along with daily activities such as scheduling time for work that requires concentration or splitting work tasks into parts. Practical changes to the individual's work tasks, such as part-time work to support returning to work after a sickness absence represent the other end of the continuum.


Situations in which job accommodation can be utilized to support work ability

  • Excessive stress: Job accommodation can be used to address excessive stress at an early stage upon the first signs or threat of decreased work ability or overload. This can be facilitated by the organization’s early intervention support model, which describes warning signals and measures that can be used in situations that threaten work ability.
  • Returning to work after a sickness absence: Upon returning, an assessment is made of which work tasks the employee can perform with the current work ability and if accommodation is needed. In the case of long absences, orientation should also be provided. Are the tasks still at the same stage as when the employee left work?
  • Transition to partial sickness allowance or partial disability pension: Tailoring the employee's tasks in relation to reduced working time and ensuring that all stages of the work process continue smoothly as tasks are merged and changed.
  • A complete change of job when the previous tasks become impossible due to health reasons
  • Starting a work trial, job coaching or internship as part of vocational rehabilitation