Roles of various parties related to job accommodation
Everyone at the workplace, from the management to the employee, participate in the accommodation in different ways.
The duties of the management include defining the strategy and objectives for the workplace. That includes taking the perspective of work ability management into account. What skills are needed in the workplace to achieve the objectives and how can the skills be fostered? How does the change affect the situation of different employees, and are there any stress factors that threaten their ability to cope at work?
The role of management includes
The role of the immediate supervisor is of key importance in enabling job accommodation. The supervisor monitors how the work progresses and, if necessary, addresses problems related to carrying out the work by means of an early intervention. The supervisor must take into account that they cannot disclose to the work community matters related to the employee's health, such as the reason for their absence, unless this is the employee's wish. If they wish, the immediate supervisor may receive support from occupational health care for planning work arrangement. The supervisor may also receive support from parties such as the occupational safety officer, the work ability coordinator and HR management.
The supervisor’s role includes
The supervisor is also responsible for
Often, there will be changes in the work community in connection with one employee’s job accommodation. If one employee’s work is made lighter, the rest of the work must also be organized somehow. This can lead to people in the work community feeling they are being treated unfairly or even make them envious. On the other hand, implementing the work arrangement may bring up suggested improvements that fit all employees. Sometimes a situation in which everyone constantly does the same amount is not possible. It is important that the individual situations of all employees are dealt with using the same fair process. The work must be arranged in such a way that no one is overloaded.
A colleague returning from after a sickness absence may cause anxiety to the person themselves as well as other employees. How do you receive a colleague returning from a long sickness absence and what can you say?
Tips for colleagues
Offer to go with the colleague if they need the supervisor's opinion or help with something.
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