Module 2: How to do: professional tools, care activities and non-pharmacological activities at home
Purposes and goals
To acquire the basic knowledge and skills for the home care of people in need of support, applying strategies and procedures that respect their identity and promote their personal autonomy.
Specific objectives
- To acquire technical skills for physical interventions for people with social and health care needs.
- To acquire competences for psychosocial home care interventions for people with social and health care needs.
The contents will be selected according to the learning needs of the different profiles. The contents should be aimed to the promotion of individual autonomy.
Technical skills for physical carework procedures (according to learners’ roles and responsibilities)
- Healthy hygienic habits, necessary products and materials. Personal cleanliness and appropriate clothing according to the user's tastes.
- Nutrition and intake: correct administration of food and collection of excreta for subsequent elimination.
- Preparation of menus in accordance with the dietary and nutritional prescription and the user's tastes.
- Mobilisation of the person using the necessary technical aids: change of posture, support for getting up, support for lying down.
- Carrying out activities for the maintenance and improvement of physical abilities, complying with safety and comfort conditions.
- Promote the use of beauty care by the individual
- Basic nursing techniques
- Preparation and administration of medicines by different routes, application of cold and heat treatments in accordance with established guidelines and personalised care plan.
- Accident prevention and first aid techniques
Competences for psychosocial (carework)
- Basic cultural aspects of the care setting: elderly care, hygiene and nutrition (cooking), relationship with the person and the family, language.
- Personalisation: getting to know the person as a whole, valuing and helping to remember their identity and what is meaningful to them.
- Observation capacity to identify changes in health and moods.
- Identification and promotion of capacities and strengths
- Meaningful activities: promoting and facilitating the participation of the person in activities that are meaningful to them. A meaningful life. Strategies for carrying out meaningful activities and social relationship and networks
- Promoting autonomy: facilitating choices and respecting people's decisions.
- Social, emotional and technical skills: empathy, communication skills, coping with emotions, teamwork, management of complex situations, flexibility, initiative, adaptability, respect for decisions, respect for the intimacy and privacy of persons, balance between safety and risk.
- Fundamental cultural aspects of the care setting: empathic care of the elderly, hygiene and nutrition (cooking), relationship with the person and the family, language)
Background references
- Level, E., Aguilar Ondarza, I., Ketelaar, P., Patterson, A., Anderson Eglantina Kumaraku, A., Stylianou, M., Falkenstein, M., Klasen, S., Gianoullis, C., Vogt, W., Chondrou, G., & lo Bianco, R. (2019). TRAINING TOOLKIT for MIGRANT CARE WORKERS Migrants take Care-Enhancing the employability Skills of Migrant Care Workers.
References in Finnish
Erkkilä, Sari (2017). Mitä on hyvä kotihoito. Vastauksia ammatillisiin kysymyksiin. kotihoidon_esite_super-liitto_lahihoitaja_16112017.pdf (
Hyvä ympärivuorokautinen hoito (2014). Hyvä ympärivuorokautinen hoito (
Hyvärinen, Soili (2013) Etäomaishoitajien kokemuksia hoivasta. Pro Gradu. Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto. Etäomaishoitajuus (
Käytännön oppaat
Maahanmuutto ja kulttuurinen moninaisuus - THL THL:n nettisivuilta pääsee rekisteröitymään verkkokouluihin: Monikulttuurisuus asiakastyössä -verkkokoulu on tarkoitettu sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille, jotka kohtaavat työssään asiakkaita eri kulttuureista. Verkkokoulua voivat hyödyntää myös muut, jotka ovat tekemisissä eri kulttuureista tulevien kanssa.
Työn tueksi - Maahanmuutto ja kulttuurinen moninaisuus - THL Näiltä sivuilta löydät tietoa työn tueksi, joka soveltuu Suomeen muuttaneiden parissa työskenteleville eri alojen ammattilaisille.