Module 8: Coordination, Partnerships, networks in a community
Summary of this module. Keywords : Community Intervention. Territory. Inclusion. Participation.
Purposes and goals
Purpose 1. To make the population of elderly people living at home visible and protagonistic
Specific objectives
- To promote the participation and inclusion of the people concerned in their territory in relation to their wishes, needs and skills:
- volunteering
- intergenerational activities (art, tutoring, theater...)
- sports activities
- recreational, artistic, culinary activities
- Representing the home care sector in different areas: in front of elected representatives, in front of the media, in front of the education and guidance sector, in particular around the promotion of home care professions and isolation at home etc.
Purpose 2: To promote and share knowledge, know-how and experiential knowledge about the quality of life of people at home
Specific objective
- Facilitate/ promote collective training/ seminars around the prioritised themes: access to digital technology, PCA, gentle care, NVC, prevention of psychosocial risks, COVID impact etc
- To propose collective intervention strategies on the territory around innovative projects - intergenerational, intercultural etc
Purpose 3: To promote partnership and network dynamics in the field of home care in the area concerned
Specific objectives
- To create cooperation between public authorities and civil society: social and community intervention associations, neighborhood and cultural associations, associations of people affected and families, sports associations, leisure centers, day centers, etc.
- Encourage shared actions that meet common needs (sharing of spaces, services, knowledge or know-how)
- Facilitate the response to collective calls for tender (consortium) in relation to the needs identified on the territory
- Definition of the territory involved and the challenges of the home in this territory/mapping of the key actors in the territory in the home sector
- Identification and analysis of the issues of the home sector and the strategies of the agents in the community
- Determinants of participation and inclusion of the persons concerned in the territory in relation to their wishes and needs
- Methods of working in networks and partnerships:
- Definitions of networks and partnerships- Primary and secondary networks
- Conditions for building and developing partnerships and networks
- Animation of networks and collective dynamics on the territory involved and around the issues of staying at the home
- Promotion of community projects around identified needs such as the promotion of the profession of care workers or the prevention of isolation of elderly persons at home
- Representation of the home care sector and communication about home issues to elected representatives, the media, other professionals and other sectors
- Searching for funding and/or designing calls for tender
- Participation in the home care intervention strategy of the territory involved (regional, municipal, territorial action plan, etc.)
- Promotion of interdisciplinary seminars around home care issues, ad hoc training such as digital access, PCA Person Centred Approach, gentle care, NVC- Non Violent Communication, prevention of psychosocial risks, COVID etc.
- Coulshed, V. & Orme, J. (1998). Community work. In: Social work practices. Palgrave
- Kemper-Koebrugge, W.; Adriaansen, M., Laurent, M., Wensing, M. (2019). Actions to influence the care network of home dwelling elderly people : a qualitative study. Health Soc Care Community. 27 : 973-981
- Koprowska, J. (2020). Working with groups. In: Communication and interpersonal skills in Social work. Sage Publications
- Hatton, K. (2016). Developing new forms of practice: Professionalism, partnerships and social pedagogy In: New Directions of social work practices. Sage Publications
References in Finnish
- Korsisaari, Laura. 2020. Blogi:
- Yhteisöllisyyden mahdollisuudet ikäihmisten asumisessa - Geroblogi (
- Helamaa, Anna & Pylvänen, Riikka 2012. Askeleita kohti yhteisöasumista. Selvitys yhteisöasumisen muodoista ja toteuttamisesta. Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto. Asuntosuunnittelu. Julkaisu 6. Katajamäki Print & Media: Tampere.
- Junnilainen, Lotta 2019. Lähiökylä. Tutkimus yhteisöllisyydestä ja eriarvoisuudesta. Vastapaino: Tampere.
Opas Kotikulmilla-toiminnan toteuttamiseen (
Example of elderly people’s services guide
Example of Finnish elderly care services - how they are introduced