Floor is Ours! Developing a culture of intervention in performing arts workplaces

The research project provides information on the factors and means that contribute to tackling grievances related to occupational safety and well-being and prevent the emergence of grievances in the field of performing arts.
Data and methods
The study will be carried out using participatory methods. Volunteering performing arts professionals are involved in the project as co-researchers. They participate in the production of research material and in the discussing it with the researchers of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and with each other.
Progress of the study:
- Recruitment of co-researchers Separate information sessions will be held for people interested in participating, where more information about working as a co-researcher is provided. After the information sessions, those interested in becoming a co-researcher are asked to sign a written agreement with the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health about working as a co-researcher. 5-6 co-researcher groups of 8–10 persons are then formed.
- Joint meetings and data collection Joint meetings and data collection alternate in the activities of each co-researcher group. The research team of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health facilitates the activities of the co-researcher groups. Overall, research co-operation with the co-researchers takes about 5–8 months (11/2021–6/2022). The co-operation with co-researchers will produce information and operating methods through which operators in the field of performing arts can contribute to the development of occupational safety and well-being and tackling grievances in workplaces and working groups of the performing arts field.
- Presentation of new information and methods in the field The information and methods produced with the co-researcher groups are disseminated by the study group of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. Researchers from the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health participate in events organized by operators in the field. These events include disseminating information about the study and gathering the participants' views on the information and methods produced with the co-researchers and the ways in which they are used.
- Reporting and dissemination of information and methods The research team of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health will work on the final report of the study as well as the scientific articles related to the study. In addition, the working methods produced in the study to strengthen the culture of intervention will be published as part of the Performing Arts Safety and Well-being Rider List, which is already available on the website of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.
Results and impact
- The study produces information and operating methods that enable work communities and work groups in the field of performing arts to strengthen the culture of intervention in their communities.
- The study creates preconditions for developing and strengthening a culture of intervention and communication to the work communities in the field. In this way, it supports the occupational safety and well-being of those working in the field and the functioning of the work communities.
- The information produced in the study fills in a gap in the research on safety culture
- regarding the factors underlying the failure or inaction to address grievances related to occupational safety and well-being and
- regarding small employers and work groups, subcontractors and employees in atypical employment relationships.
- The study also provides information on the suitability of the co-research method for researching occupational safety and well-being and safety culture.
The study serves the field of performing arts in particular, but its results can also be used more widely in other artistic, cultural and creative sectors, the event industry and in organization work.
Our experts

Research group
Project partners
Finnish Actors Union, the Finnish National Opera and Ballet, the Conservatory Association of Finland , The Musicians' Union, Association of Finnish Symphony, The Association of Finnish Theatres, The University of the Arts, Trade Union for Theatre and Media (Teme), Theatre Centre and The National Network of Regional Dance Centres: Regional Dance Centre of Eastern Finland, Central Finland Regional Dance Center, Regional Dance Centre of Western Finland, The Regional Dance Centre of Pirkanmaa, Ostrobothnian Regional Dance Centre, Northern Regional Dance Centre (Jojo – Oulu Dance Centre, Pyhäsalmen Tanssi ry, Routa Company, Dance Theater Rimpparemmi) and Regional Center for Dance in Helsinki / Zodiak – Center for New Dance
The Finnish Work Environment Fund, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and the project partners