
Graphene Flagship Core 3

Graphene and two-dimensional materials have already had notable impacts on a variety of industries, with new applications being discovered on a daily basis. As with all developing technologies, it is essential to also take their safety into consideration.

The Graphene Flagship is an EU-funded flagship project encompassing research, innovation and extensive collaboration between researchers, the private sector and the rest of society. The Graphene Flagship Core 3 project aims to secure a major role for Europe in the ongoing technological revolution, helping to bring graphene innovation out of the lab and into commercial applications. The project gathers over 170 academic and industrial partners from 21 countries, all exploring different aspects of graphene and related materials.
Laboratoriotyöntekijä töissään.




The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health is involved in the project’s Work Package 4: Health and Environment, in which we examine occupational health perspectives in work related to graphene. The goal is to identify and provide solutions to occupational health challenges faced by those who work with graphene.

Data and methods

We will be studying the characteristics of graphene materials and the work environments related to them in terms of exposure and preparing instructions for employees and workplaces.

We will also be carrying out studies on graphene exposure at workplaces. Out methods include:

  • Occupational hygiene assessments concerning graphene exposure, so-called nanoparticle measurements
  • Biomonitoring methods in exposure assessment

We will also be sharing good practices and methods for managing exposure.

Results and impact

The results will be reported during 2023.

Our experts

Tomi Kanerva

Tomi Kanerva

tomi.kanerva [at]
+358 30 474 8670


The Graphene Flagship is funded by EU's Horizon 2020.

Learn more about the EU’s flagship