
Workplaces as climate actors, sustainable solutions through co-creation – TILKE

The TILKE project studies the climate agency of work communities (CAW) and the actions of workplaces with regard to climate change. The project work is based in particular on co-creation between the workplaces and the multi-disciplinary research group. The project will produce a TILKE model: agency index and co-creation process description.
Ryhmä ihmisiä hymyilee toisilleen.




  • The aim of the project was to collect information on the current climate agency of workplaces and the methods to promote it and concrete development ideas (trials)
  • Workplaces can use the TILKE model to assess their climate agency, examine the links between work and climate change, and think up concrete development measures
  • The target groups are work communities, supervisors, and HR

Data and methods

We will collect materials through a survey and interviews and by recording the workshop discussions. Some of the workshops will also involve a usability review on the work environment and spatial solutions, other will involve temperature measurements at the workplace and laboratory.

Results and impact

Results will be made available in 2025.

Our experts

Heli Clottes Heikkilä

Heli Clottes Heikkilä

heli.clottes.heikkila [at]
+358 30 474 2706

Research group

Anna-Maria Teperi, research professor (researcher in charge)

Arja Ala-Laurinaho, senior specialist

Tarja Heikkilä, specialist researcher

Suvi Hirvonen, senior specialist

Kirsi Jussila, specialist researcher

Jenni Kaisto, researcher

Talvikki Susiluoma, communication specialist


Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors (JHL)


The project is funded by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, the Finnish Work Environment Fund and JHL