5. How to bring up problems with work ability?

Problems with work performance or changes in the employee's behaviour, such as withdrawing from the group or feeling depressed or unusually tired, can be a cause for concern. These things need to be addressed. Discussions can reveal whether the symptoms are caused by work-related shortcomings, job burnout, a difficult life situation or a mental health issue.

How to bring up problems with work ability:


Ahola, Kirsi. Tue työkykyä – Käsikirja esimiestyöhön. Työterveyslaitos. Helsinki 2011.

Unkila, Kirsi (2019). Vaikeiden asioiden puheeksi ottaminen -video. Solmu-hanke.

Vartia, ym. Haastavat tilanteet esimiestyössä. Työterveyslaitos. Helsinki 2012.