
Social and ecological sustainability of the work environment in environmentally classified buildings – SOKERA

In this study, we examine the indoor environment and eco-usability of workplace buildings that have been granted the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and the Rakennustieto environmental classification. We also investigate how employees perceive such work environments and the value of environmental classification. Non-classified buildings are used as a benchmark.
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Green building rating systems have been created to assess and compare the environmental performance of buildings, with the aim of ensuring that sustainable development is taken into account throughout a building’s life cycle. However, there is currently very little information about certified green buildings’ indoor environment and eco-usability, meaning the smoothness, comfort and safety of environmentally friendly operations.

The project aims to

  • obtain an overview of the indoor environment and eco-usability of workplace buildings that have been granted the Nordic Swan Ecolabel or the Rakennustieto environmental classification and how employees experience them
  • survey the need for further development of the indoor environment and eco-usability of certfied green workplace buildings
  • increase understanding of workspace solutions and practices that contribute to a good indoor environment and environmentally friendly actions by employees
  • describe a model that work communities can use to develop and strengthen the social and ecological sustainability of the work environment.

Data and methods

We are collecting research data using indoor environmental quality investigations, eco-usability walks, interviews and surveys. We are conducting studies in six certified green workplace buildings and six reference buildings.

Results and impact

Based on the research data, we will create a model that helps work communities improve the eco-usability of their premises and identify new solutions and operating methods that make acting sustainably as easy and pleasant as possible for employees. The model will also help to identify other potential areas for improvement related to the indoor environment.

Results will be available in 2027.

The results will be published in international scientific journals and communicated in various seminars, events, non-technical publications and on social media.

Ask about the project

Sirpa Rautiala

+358 30 474 7168


The Finnish Work Environment Fund and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health

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