The Rise of Mental Vulnerability at Work by Ari Väänänen sheds light on why mental health has become such a significant phenomenon

Research Professor Ari Väänänen uses exceptionally extensive research to describe how the role and significance of mental health have changed in work life. The book describes how we have ended up structuring work and the challenges faced by employees around the individual’s mental health and emotions, and why mental health should be viewed as a phenomenon produced by societal change.
Henkilökuvassa Ari Väänänen
Henkilökuva Ari Väänänen
Ari Väänänen

Finnish Institute of Occupational Health press release 22 October 2024

Research Professor Ari Väänäsen’s book The Rise of Mental Vulnerability at Work describes the origin and development of the mental health phenomenon in Finnish work life. 

The peer-reviewed work is based on more than 15 years of research into changes in the working conditions and organisational cultures of various professional groups and experts in the labour market from the 1960s to today. Teachers, occupational health physicians and municipal employees alike have had to adapt to new circumstances and learn new ways of working and managing their well-being in a changing society.

The book also highlights various international debates on work and health that have not been previously discussed in the Finnish scene. It also discusses the role of science and media coverage in the development of the mental health phenomenon.

Changes in the nature of work and competence requirements highlight psychological characteristics

The book describes how societal change has led to many employees shifting from physical work to interactive and cognitively demanding environments.

Väänänen uses many examples to illustrate how changes in the content of work, the increase in project-based work and the highlighted customer perspective have led to an emphasis on mental resilience and flexibility in work life. At the same time, the book also describes how increased equality and informality may have paradoxically resulted in the rise of mental health perspectives by increasing the opportunities for expressing emotions.

The mental health phenomenon is the result of a society that requires increased independence

The analysis shows that the emergence of mental health problems is not only a result of a change in work life: the change in society as a whole has given individuals a new kind of autonomy and increased opportunities, but at the same time many have found themselves in psychologically challenging situations. Continuous self-management and the search for individual direction have led to increased mental burden.

The problem, referred to as the mental health crisis, is the result of this societal change, which also affects employees in many ways.

“Today, people are increasingly seeking psychological satisfaction and a sense of meaning in their work, but when the work doesn’t meet the expectations, it leads to disappointments and negative feelings. In an individualistic and medicalised culture, it has become more common to seek help from healthcare and psychological support services. This is a phenomenon that emphasises the mental health perspective,” says Väänänen.

The mental health perspective emphasises the individual

Psychological issues and mental health challenges are recognised better than before. According to Väänänen, this should not be automatically seen as a sign of increased mental health problems, but rather as a sign of societal change in which individuals’ experiences and emotions have been given a more significant role as part of work, productivity and health.

The change has also affected the field of medicine. The section of the book that discusses wellness medicine explains how occupational healthcare practices and the discussion surrounding health have become less hierarchical and more reciprocal. At the same time, patients have taken on a more active role in their own treatment.

The discussion about mental health has spread to new areas of life, of which work life is one of the most important. This development also focuses on treating the individual’s health and not the underlying factors causing the issues.

Current mental health practices will be replaced by new ones

Ari Väänänen believes that current mental health practices and theories will gradually change and new approaches will emerge. Outdated theories will eventually be replaced by new concerns, ideals and ways of solving social problems.

“Perhaps in the future, researchers analysing this time period will wonder how, in the 21st century, we ended up with and tried to find solutions to mental health problems in work life,” Väänänen says.

Learn more

  • In English: The Rise of Mental Vulnerability at Work. A Socio-Historical and Cultural Analysis. Ari Väänänen. Bristol University Press 2024.
  • In Finnish: Mielen aikakausi – Kuinka psyykkisestä haavoittuvuudesta tuli osa työelämää? Ari Väänänen. Gaudeamus 2024.
  • The book can be purchased from bookstores and online bookstores.
  • Review copies can be requested from Gaudeamus: Lasse Leminen, Communications Manager,  
    tel. +358 (0)50 466 4910, lasse.leminen [at] See more detailed instructions on Gaudeamus’ For the media page.
  • The book was funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, the Strategic Research Council (#345170, LIFECON project), the Association of Finnish Nonfiction Writers and the Committee for Public Information.

Additional information

  • Ari Väänänen, Research Professor, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, tel. +358 (0)50 511 0530, ari.vaananen[at]

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