Tieteelliset julkaisut sisäilmasta

Työterveyslaitoksessa on tehty pitkään tutkimusta liittyen rakennusten sisäilmaongelmiin ja sisäilman terveysvaikutuksiin. Tähän on koottu sisäilmatutkimuksiimme liittyviä tieteellisiä julkaisuja.


Tähtinen K, Remes J, Karvala K, Salmi K, Lahtinen M. & Reijula K. 2020. Perceived indoor air quality and psychosocial work environment in office, school and health care environments in Finland. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 33(4), s. 479–495.


Castagnolia E, Backlund P, Talvitie O, Tuomi T, Valtanen A, Mikkola R, Hovi H, Leino K, Kurnitski J. & Salonen, H. 2019. Emissions of DEHP-free PVC flooring. Indoor Air.

Selinheimo S, Vuokko A, Hublin C, Järnefelt H, Karvala K, Sainio M, Suojalehto H, Suvisaari J. & Paunio, T. 2019. Health-related quality among life of employees with persistent nonspecific indoor-air-associated health complaints. Journal of psychosomatic research, 122, s. 112–120.

Tuomi T, Kilpikari J, Hartonen M, Kämppi R & Lallukka H. 2019. Filter Cassette Method for Analyzing Man-Made Vitreous Fibers Settled on Surfaces. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 16(7), s. 1256–1268.

Tähtinen K, Lappalainen S, Karvala K, Lahtinen M, & Salonen H. 2019. Probability of Abnormal Indoor Air Exposure Categories Compared with Occupants’ Symptoms, Health Information and Psychosocial Work Environment. Applied Sciences, 9(1), 99. 

Vuokko A. 2019. Disability related to workplace indoor air. [Väitöskirja]. University of Helsinki. 

Vuokko A, Karvala K, Suojalehto H, Lindholm H, Selinheimo S, Heinonen-Guzejev M, Leppämäki S, Cederström S, Hublin C, Tuisku K. & Sainio M. 2019. Clinical characteristics of disability in patients with indoor air-related environmental intolerance. Safety and Health at Work.

Mahiout S, Korkalainen M, Wallenius K, Viluksela M, Santonen T. & Huttunen K. 2019. Miksi sisäilman haitallisuutta ei voi arvioida toksisuustesteillä?

Lääketieteellinen Aikakauskirja Duodecim, 135(8), s. 735–743.


Karvala K, Sainio M, Palmquist E, Nyback MH & Nordin S. 2018. Prevalence of various environmental intolerances in a Swedish and Finnish general population. Environ Res, 161, s. 220– 228.

Nordin S, Karvala K, Nyback MH & Sainio M. 2018. Prevalence of environmental annoyance in a Swedish and Finnish general population: Impact of everyday exposures on affect and behavior. J Environ Psychol, 56, s. 84–90.

Tähtinen K, Lappalainen S, Karvala K, Remes J & Salonen H. 2018. Association between four-level categorisation of indoor exposure and perceived indoor air quality. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 15(4), s. 679.

Karvala K, Uitti J, Taponen S, Luukkonen R & Lehtimäki L. 2018. Asthma trigger perceptions are associated with work disability. Respir Med,139, s. 19–26.

Ndika J, Suojalehto H, Täubel M, Lehto M, Karvala K, Pallasaho P, Sund J, Auvinen P, Järvi K, Pekkanen J, Kinaret P, Greco D, Hyvärinen A & Alenius H. 2018. Nasal mucosa and blood cell transcriptome profiles do not reflect respiratory symptoms associated with moisture-damage. Indoor Air.

Karvala K, Sainio M, Palmquist E, Claeson AS, Nyback MH & Nordin S. 2018. Building-related environmental intolerance and associated health in the general population. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 15(9).

Tähtinen K, Lappalainen S, Karvala K & Salonen H. 2018. A comprehensive approach to evaluating the urgency of IAQ measures. Indoor Air Conference 22.-27.7.2018, Philadelphia, USA. (vertaisarvioitu A4)

Vuokko A, Karvala K, Lampi J, Keski-Nisula L, Pasanen M, Voutilainen R, Pekkanen J & Sainio M. 2018. Environmental intolerance, symptoms and disability among fertile aged women. Int J of Environ Res and Public Health, 15(2), s. 293.


Aalto L, Lappalainen S, Salonen H & Reijula K. 2017. Usability evaluation (IEQ survey) in hospital buildings. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 10(3), s. 265–282.

Sainio M & Karvala K. 2017. Sisäilma ja ympäristöherkkyys. Suomen Lääkärilehti, 72, s. 848–854.

Karvala K, Pekkanen J, Salminen E, Tuisku K, Hublin C & Sainio M. 2017. Miten tunnistan ympäristöherkkyyden. Duodecim, 133(15), s.1362–1369.

Leppänen M, Holopainen R, Salmi K, Aalto L, Tähtinen K, Stengård J, Hyttinen M, Ollila T, Säämänen A, Lappalainen S, Kakko I & Reijula K. 2017. Does public-private partnership model lead to better IAQ in schools. Healthy Buildings 2017 Europe. (vertaisarvioitu A4)


Salonen H, Duchaine C, Létourneau V, Mazaheri M, Laitinen S, Clifford S, Mikkola R, Lappalainen S, Reijula K & Morawska L. 2016. Endotoxin levels and contribution factors of endotoxins in resident, school, and office environments — A review. Atmospheric Environment, 142, s. 360–369.

Selinheimo S, Vuokko A, Sainio M, Karvala K, Suojalehto H, Järnefelt H & Paunio T. 2016. Comparing cognitive behavioural psychotherapy and psychoeducation for non-specific symptoms associated with indoor air – a randomized control trial protocol. BMJ Open, 6;6(6).

Selinheimo S, Vuokko A, Sainio M, Karvala K, Suojalehto H, Järnefelt H & Paunio T. 2016. Comparing cognitive behavioural psychotherapy and psychoeducation for non-specific symptoms associated with indoor air – an intervention (RCT) protocol. BMJ Open, 6.

Vuokko A, Selinheimo S, Sainio M, Suojalehto H, Järnefelt H, Virtanen M, Kallio E, Hublin C & Karvala K. 2016. Reply to Letter to the Editor: Cognitive therapy in Sick Building Syndrome: Myths, beliefs or evidence. Neurotoxicology. 52, s. 186–187.


Vuokko A, Selinheimo S, Sainio M, Suojalehto H, Järnefelt H, Virtanen M, Kallio E, Hublin C & Karvala K. 2015. Decreased work ability associated to indoor air problems – An intervention (RCT) to promote health behavior. Neurotoxicology, 49, s. 59–67.

Salonen H, Duchaine C, Mazaheri M, Clifford S, Lappalainen S, Reijula K & Morawska L. 2015. Airborne viable fungi in school environments in different climatic regions — A review. Atmospheric Environment, 104, s. 186–194.


Karvala K, Nordman H, Luukkonen R & Uitti J. 2014. Asthma related to workplace dampness and impaired work ability. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 87(1), s. 1–11.

Teirilä L, Karvala K, Ahonen N, Riska H, Pietinalho A, Tuominen P, Piirilä P, Puustinen A & Wolff H. 2014. Proteomic changes of alveolar lining fluid in illnesses associated with exposure to inhaled noninfectious microbial particles. PlosOne, 9(7).


Karvala K, Uitti J, Luukkonen R & Nordman H. 2013. Quality of life of patients with asthma related to damp and moldy work environments. Scand J Work Environ Health, 39(1), s. 96–105.

Salonen H, Lahtinen M, Lappalainen S, Nevala N, Knibbs L, Morawska L & Reijula K. 2013. Design approaches for promoting beneficial indoor environments in healthcare facilities: A review. Intelligent Buildings International, 5 (1), s. 26–50. 

Salonen H, Lahtinen M, Lappalainen S, Nevala N, Knibbs L, Morawska L & Reijula K. 2013. Physical characteristics of the indoor environment that affect health and wellbeing in healthcare facilities: A review. Intelligent Buildings International, 5(1), s. 3–25.

Lappalainen S, Salonen H, Salmi K & Reijula K. 2013. Indoor air particles in office buildings with suspected indoor air problems in the Helsinki area. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 26(1), s. 155–164.


Palomäki E, Tähtinen K, Lappalainen S, Rautio-Laine S & Pirinen J. 2012. Guidelines for a facility holder to solve IAQ problem cases. 10th International Conference on Healthy Buildings. Brisbane, Australia. 1(3), s. 179-183. (vertaisarvioitu A4)


Karvala K, Toskala E, Luukkonen R, Uitti J, Lappalainen S & Nordman H. 2011. Prolonged exposure to damp and moldy workplaces and and new-onset asthma. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 84(7).


Viinanen A, Karvala K, Lindström I & Suojalehto H. 2010. Miten kosteusvauriolle altistuneet tutkitaan. Suomen Lääkärilehti, 65, s. 1013–1017.

Karvala K, Toskala E, Luukkonen R, Lappalainen S, Uitti J & Nordman H. 2010. New-onset adult asthma in relation to damp and moldy workplaces. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 83(8), s. 855–865.


Lahtinen M, Salonen H, Lappalainen S, Huttunen J & Reijula K. 2009. Renovation of a “sick building”: The challenge of attaining the confidence of occupants. Am J Ind Med, 52, s. 438–445.

Hellgren UM, Leino M, Aarnisalo AA, Mussalo-Rauhamaa H, Alenius H & Reijula K. 2009. Low tumor necrosis factor alpha levels and neutrophil counts in nasal lavage after mold exposure. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 102, s. 210–215.

Salonen H, Pasanen AL, Lappalainen S, Riuttala H, Tuomi T, Pasanen P, Bäck B & Reijula K. 2009. Volatile organic compounds and formaldehyde as explaining factors for sensory irritation in office environments. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 6, s. 239–247.

Salonen H, Pasanen AL, Lappalainen S, Riuttala H, Tuomi T, Pasanen P, Bäck B & Reijula K. 2009. Airborne concentrations of volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde and ammonia in Finnish office buildings with suspected indoor air problems. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 6, s. 200-209.

Lahtinen M, Salonen H, Lappalainen S, Huttunen J & Reijula K. 2009. Renovation of a “sick building”: the challenge of attaining the confidence of occupants. American journal of industrial medicine, 52, s. 438–45.

Salonen H, Lappalainen S, Riuttala H, Tossavainen A, Pasanen P & Reijula K. 2009. Man-made vitreous fibers in office buildings in the Helsinki are. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 6, s. 624–631.


Hellgren U, Palomäki E, Lahtinen M, Riuttala H & Reijula K. 2008. Complaints and symptoms among hospital staff in relation to indoor air and the condition and need for repairs in hospital buildings. SJWEH, 4, s. 58–63.

Kostiainen T, Welling I, Lahtinen M, Salmi K, Kähkönen E & Lampinen J. 2008. Modeling of Subjective Responses to Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Conditions in Office Buildings. HVAC&R RESEARCH, 14(6), s. 905–923.

Stockmann-Juvala H, Alenius H & Savolainen K. 2008. Effects of fumonisin B(1) on the expression of cytokines and chemokines in human dendritic cells. Food Chem Toxicol, 46, s. 1444–1451.

Anthoni M, Fyhrquist-Vanni N, Wolff H, Alenius H & Lauerma A. 2008. Transforming growth factor-beta/Smad3 signalling regulates inflammatory responses in a murine model of contact hypersensitivity. Br J Dermatol, 159, s. 546–554.

Lappalainen S, Salonen H, Lindroos O, Harju R & Reijula K. 2008. Fungal species in mold-damaged and non-damaged office buildings in southern Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 4, s. 18–20.

Lahtinen M, Lappalainen S & Reijula K. 2008. Multiprofessional teams resolving indoor-air problems – emphasis on the psychosocial perspective. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 34(4), s. 30–34.

Reijula K, Hellgren U-M, Holopainen R, Korhonen P, Lappalainen S, Palomäki E, Palonen J, Autio A, Kjisik H, Koski H, Virtanen K, Kaleva H, Rantama M & Vauramo E. 2008. National development program for Finnish hospital facilities. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 4, s. 54–57.

Antikainen R, Lappalainen S, Lönnqvist A, Maksimainen K, Reijula K & Uusi-Rauva E. 2008. Exploring the relationship between indoor air and productivity. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 4, s. 79–82.

Karvala K, Nordman H, Luukkonen R, Nykyri E, Lappalainen S, Hannu T & Toskala E. 2008. Occupational rhinitis in damp and moldy workplaces. American Journal of Rhinology, 22, s. 457-462.


Salonen H, Lappalainen S, Lindroos O, Harju R & Reijula K. 2007. Fungi and bacteria in mould-damaged and non-damaged office environments in a subarctic climate. Atmospheric Environment, 41, s. 6797–6807.

Uitti J, Putus T, Lappalainen S, Palomäki E & Reijula K. 2007. Kosteus- ja homevauriot työpaikoilla ja kodeissa – terveydenhuollon rooli terveyshaittojen tutkimisessa. Suomen lääkärilehti, 62, s. 911–918.


Leino MS, Alenius HT, Fyhrquist-Vanni N, Wolff HJ, Reijula KE, Hintikka EL, Salkinoja-Salonen MS, Haahtela T & Makela MJ. 2006. Intranasal exposure to Stachybotrys chartarum enhances airway inflammation in allergic mice. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 173, s. 512-8.


Airaksinen S, Heiskanen M-L, Heinonen-Tanski H, Laitinen J, Laitinen S, Linnainmaa M & Rautiala S. 2005. Variety in dustiness and hygiene quality in peat bedding. Ann Agrig Environ Med, 12, s. 53–59.


Lahtinen M. 2004. Psykologinen näkökulma työpaikkojen sisäilmasto-ongelmiin: Psykososiaalinen työympäristö ja organisaation ongelmanratkaisutaidot ongelmavyyhden osatekijöinä. [Väitöskirja]. Helsinki: Työterveyslaitos, Työ ja ihminen -Tutkimusraportti 25. (88s. + liitt.)

Lahtinen M, Huuhtanen P, Vähämäki K, Kähkönen E, Mussalo-Rauhamaa H & Reijula K . 2004. Good Practices in Managing Work-Related Indoor Air Problems: A Psychosocial Perspective. Am J Ind Med, 46, s. 71–85.

Lahtinen M, Sundman-Digert C & Reijula K. Psychosocial work environment and indoor air problems: a questionnaire as a means of problem diagnosis. Occup Environ Med, 61, s. 143–149.

Putus T, Tuomainen A & Rautiala S. 2004. Chemical and microbial exposures in a school building: adverse health effects in children. Arch Environ Health, 59, s.194–201.


Rautiala S, Kangas J, Louhelainen J & Reiman J. 2003. Farmer’s exposure to airborne microorganisms in composting swine confinement buildings. AIHA Journal, 64, s. 96–100.

Reijula K, Leino M, Mussalo-Rauhamaa H, Nikulin M, Alenius H, Mikkola J, Elg P, Kari O, Makinen-Kiljunen S & Haahtela T. 2003. IgE-mediated allergy to fungal allergens in Finland with special reference to Alternaria alternata and Cladosporium herbarum. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 91, s. 280–287.

Leino M, Makela M, Reijula K, Haahtela T, Mussalo-Rauhamaa H, Tuomi T, Hintikka EL & Alenius H. 2003. Intranasal exposure to a damp building mould, Stachybotrys chartarum, induces lung inflammation in mice by satratoxin-independent mechanisms. Clin Exp Allergy, 33, s. 1603–1610.


Lahtinen M, Huuhtanen P, Kähkönen E & Reijula K. 2002. Psychosocial Dimensions of Solving an Indoor Air Problem. Indoor Ai, 12, s. 33–46.

Lahtinen M, Sundman-Digert C & Reijula K. 2002. Psykososiaalinen työympäristö ja sisäilmaongelmat. Kokemuksia sisäilmastokyselyn käytöstä. Suomen Lääkärilehti, 12, s. 1363–1366.


Lappalainen S, Kähkönen E, Loikkanen P, Palomäki E, Lindroos O & Reijula K. 2001. Evaluation of priorities for repairings in moisture-damaged school buildings in Finland. Building and Environment, 36, s. 981–986.