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Occupational hygienic analyses

We provide high-quality expertise and diverse services in occupational hygienic analysis. Our service covers air, material, and wipe samples.

Our client-oriented service includes support for assessment of work-related exposure, sampling, and interpreting the results.

We analyse chemicals, dust, fibres, microbes, mites, and endotoxins.
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Helsinki: 030 474 2964  (chemistry, asbestos and dust)

Kuopio: 030 474 2262 (microbial samples)

Laboratories are open weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm.

Occupational hygienic analyses are used to determine exposure and emissions

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the employer is responsible for a task-specific risk assessment at the workplace.  Occupational hygienic analyses help provide important information for assessing work-related exposure. 

Our occupational hygienic analyses can help to identify: 

  • work-related exposure (type and concentration of exposure) 
  • emissions of materials and production processes (testing emissions and thermal decomposition products)

Harmful factors and their combined effects should be assessed simultaneously.

We are a unique expert on work-related exposure in Finland

Our wide range of analyses includes the following: aldehydes, anaesthetic gases, phenol, cresol, acid anhydrides, organic and inorganic acids, bases, chlorine, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, PAH, PCB, metals, amines, phthalates, isocyanates, reduced sulphur compounds, light hydrocarbons, hydrogen peroxide, solvents, and other volatile organic compounds. 

Our methods are based on occupational hygiene standards and reference methods. We extensively participate in international reference rounds. When assessing work-related exposure, our results can be compared to national or international limits or reference values.

As an expert institute of well-being at work, we provide up-to-date information and reference values on the work-related exposure agents we have investigated.

Reliability and high quality form the foundation of our operations

Our operations are built on research-based knowledge along with reliable and effective methods. Our laboratory is 

  • Testing laboratory T013 accredited by FINAS accreditation services, accreditation requirement SFS-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017[Text Wrapping Break]Operations included in the accredited scope of competence are available on the website www.finas.fi.  
  • Laboratory 2495/961/2008 approved by the Finnish Food Safety Authority for conducting studies and surveys for authorities, as required by the regulations in the Health Protection Act (763/1994). 

Order occupational hygienic analyses

Ask about services!

Henkilökuva Evgeny Parshintsev

Evgeny Parshintsev

evgeny.parshintsev [at] ttl.fi
+358 30 474 2198
Henkilökuva: Tapani Tuomi

Tapani Tuomi

tapani.tuomi [at] ttl.fi
+358 30 474 2926
Tiina Rantio

Tiina Rantio

tiina.rantio [at] ttl.fi
+358 30 474 2231